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While many people see Halloween as a fun filled time complete with costumes and tasty treats, not everyone stops to consider the festivities from a beloved pet’s perspective.

But October 31st doesn’t have to be scary for your furry friend as long as you keep the following tips in mind:

  • Keep the treats out of reach. Candy and chocolate are not good for your pets, but the smell can be very enticing. Make sure your candy bowl is in a safe place that your cute critters can’t get to, and only bring it out when you are able to keep an eye on it. You may want to also keep pet friendly treats handy to entice your dog or cat away from the tempting candy.
  • Make sure your decorations are not hazardous to your pets. Choose items that are non-toxic and place them in areas that are not easily accessible to your furry friends. Be especially conscious of any candles in jack-o-lanterns to prevent accidental fires.
  • Choose pet costumes with care. Not all pets enjoy playing dress up, and you don’t want to stress out your companion animals. If you do dress up your pet, make sure the costume is not too tight and does not limit their movement or ability to breathe, drink, or speak. If they seem uncomfortable, they probably are – so you may opt for a bandana or festive collar instead.
  • Keep pets calm and consider a safe room. When opening the door for visitors, be aware of your pet and keep them from darting outside. It’s a good idea to make sure their identification is up to date just in case they sneak by you. If your pet is freaked out by the enthusiastic trick-or-treaters constantly ringing the doorbell or knocking, consider putting them in another room with the radio or television playing to drown out the noise. You can also provide them with fun distractions such as puzzle toys and feeder balls.

With the proper planning, Halloween can be enjoyed (or at the very least tolerated) by everyone.

If you’re looking to be prepared, stop by the WHS Pet Shop for treats, puzzle toys and pet friendly costumes.