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Dear Partners,

As we launch 1001 Donations presented by the Vickar Automotive Group, and I continue my first few weeks in my tenure as the CEO of this fabulous organization, thoughts of gratitude and gratefulness seep through my veins.

This is the first of what I hope to be a monthly CEO touch base with you all here on the WHS blog. I’m excited to share what’s going on at the shelter, the latest in animal welfare issues and my priorities and projects as CEO. March is a pretty busy month around here as our 1001 Donations campaign kicks off for you – our incredible supporters.

Early in my career, I worked on this key event at the WHS, never realizing at the time that I would one day come back with the opportunity to live my truest, most beautiful life, advocating for animals every day.

The title of this event rings true, 1001 Donations, to know our community of donors (you) support us with over 1001 donations during this event, and in all fairness (because who are we kidding), many more donations each year, allows our shelter to remain open, and on the front line.

Throughout the month of March, we will be sharing the stories of just some of the thousands of animals we help each year. Watch for these heartwarming stories in your email inbox and on social media. We’d love it if you could join the #WHSHeroes in donating the 1001 Donations campaign. You can do so here. All donations are being matched up to $60,000 and this fundraising is absolutely critical to what we do every day.

In the troubling times we have all lived through in the past year, we have come together as a group and prevailed with the same mission and vision – to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, and to promote and protect the dignity and welfare of all animals. I would like to remind you: you did that…when your times were also tough – and for that we are forever thankful.

I am looking forward to hearing the inspiring stories of love, loss, and the strength of the human-animal connection we have each been lucky enough to experience. We tell you these stories to remind you of what we do, and that we are able to do it because of you.

This year, as I sit in the CEO chair (well actually more likely on the floor with a pile of furry friends) my heart will be filled with gratitude. On behalf of the 10,000+ animals helped each year, my most sincere thanks and don’t forget to tune in to 1001 Donations!


Jessica Miller
Winnipeg Humane Society