2021 October MVP: David Ward

Three years ago David Ward brought his life-long love of working with animals to the Winnipeg Humane Society, a relationship that’s brought a great deal of joy to people, both young and old. A retired Conservation Officer with the Manitoba government, David spent his career in offices throughout the province, working with hunters and with wildlife. “I always liked working with creatures,” he said with a smile. And at home David’s had his share of animals: “We’ve had lots of cats over the years. And we’ve had dogs going back to the 1970s,” he explained. When he became a Winnipeg … Continued

Five out of the twenty four small mixed breed dogs from this case who were seized.

The Truth of the Matter: Animal Welfare Needs Outweigh Funds In Our Community

Last month, our Investigations and Emergency Response team, in partnership with the Provincial Chief Veterinary Office (CVO), received a warrant and seized 24 small mixed breed dogs from a dark squalor-filled home – thankfully they have all since been adopted. One dog gave birth in our care, bringing the number up to 28 dogs. These rescued dogs were so matted and unkept that they had binding leg constrictions, hair dreadlocked with fecal matter, plus urine scalding and secondary skin infections. It took hours of gentle, loving care from our dedicated WHS team to start to take away the pain of … Continued

CEO Blog: Hello and 1001 Donations

Dear Partners, As we launch 1001 Donations presented by the Vickar Automotive Group, and I continue my first few weeks in my tenure as the CEO of this fabulous organization, thoughts of gratitude and gratefulness seep through my veins. This is the first of what I hope to be a monthly CEO touch base with you all here on the WHS blog. I’m excited to share what’s going on at the shelter, the latest in animal welfare issues and my priorities and projects as CEO. March is a pretty busy month around here as our 1001 Donations campaign kicks off … Continued

April 2020 MVP: Lynda Buckmaster

Many people (especially in this day and age) have heard the old adage about not taking work home with you. Lynda Buckmaster, a volunteer in the foster department, is not aware of it. She was a foster parent to two of her five cats and, if that isn’t enough she’s currently taking care of three two-week-old bottle babies as well (as of this writing in early May). She had two others as well but when they were recently returned to the Humane Society for their shots, it was determined they were now old enough for adoption. The kittens, named Daniel, … Continued

WHS Education Corner: Pet Empathy Sessions Now Available Online

Due to the ever-changing circumstances in the world right now, we have thought of some unique and exciting ways to offer you the same great programs here at the Winnipeg Humane Society. Our goal here in the Education Department has always been to help support future Humane Educators develop their passion for animal welfare, which is why we are excited to introduce virtual presentations that are accessible right from home. We understand a lot of parents and/or guardians are now struggling to work from home in addition to providing quality homeschool for their little ones. First off, way to go … Continued

CEO Blog: New Emergency Food Bank and Other Ways to Help Community Animals in Need

Dear WHS friends and supporters, I sincerely hope each one of you is doing well, staying in good health, and doing your part as together we face the threat of a global pandemic. This novel coronavirus outbreak is taking a significant mental, physical and economic toll on each of us, and we stand together as we stay apart. Faced with uncertainty and disruption to our daily lives, your Winnipeg Humane Society made an immediate decision right after authorities announced lock-down measures: we would provide as much help as we can to the animals and the human caregivers who are going … Continued

Join the WHS Pet Supply Box Drive

Are you looking for a great family project to keep busy AND help the community? The WHS Pet Supply Box Drive is a great opportunity for volunteers, families to engage kids or for those who just want to give back to help those who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in our community. We are asking people who are able if they’d be willing to create a cat supply box or a dog supply box (or both!) filled with food, treats and supplies that we will collect at the shelter in our donation bins. See below for sample boxes and … Continued

CEO Blog: Get ready to be inspired by 1001 Donations

Dear friends, I am not sure about you, but for the past few weeks my online social media feeds, TV news, radio programs and even podcasts are chock-full of bad news. But we have the antidote for bad news and negativity. It is called the Winnipeg Humane Society 1001 Donations and it runs from today until Saturday, March 28th. Get ready to be inspired by the work of our amazing staff and volunteers, giving you exclusive behind the scenes access to discover what it takes to help over 10,000 animals every year, all throughout the month of March. Get ready … Continued

CEO Blog: Ask Me Anything (February Edition)

We just love the dog we adopted from the WHS. He was surrendered to you. I wondered if you keep who you adopt to confidential? (Mimi) Hello Mimi and thank you for your question and for adopting a pet from us! As a standard policy, we do not share the information about an adopter (or about who surrendered a pet) even if people ask for it. In some instances for example the finder of a stray animal wants to see the pet again, but in that circumstance we first contact the adopter and we ask for their permission. If they … Continued